Our Services

What we offer

Custom on the spot Splinting

As part of your injury, you may require protection for the area to assist in your recovery. Thermoplastic splinting is used to provide support and comfort. The material is lightweight, conforms to your unique proportions, can be removed for exercise (if appropriate/recommended) and allows for maintenance of skin hygiene.

Uses for splinting:

  • To immobilise joints

  • For fractures

  • To protect healing wounds

  • For post-op protection

  • To allow joints to rest and heal

  • To avoid and/or correct deformity

  • As blocking splints to wear during exercise

Wound Care

Effective wound care is essential for the successful rehabilitation of an injured hand or arm. We ensure meticulous monitoring of wounds to promptly identify any signs of infection. When necessary, we delicately remove debris from the wound bed, promoting accelerated healing. Our comprehensive wound care services encompass a spectrum of options, ranging from straightforward treatments to intricate procedures, including the removal of stitches as a crucial component of post-operative management.

Oedema Management

Swelling, medically known as oedema, has far-reaching effects on various aspects of your well-being. It can limit joint mobility, impede the flexibility of soft tissues, influence the quality of scar tissue formation, weaken strength, disrupt normal function, and contribute to pain. If left unaddressed, persistent oedema can extend your recovery period and postpone your ability to engage in everyday activities.

Our approach to managing oedema extends beyond elevation and encompasses a range of techniques, including massage, targeted exercises, and the application of compression. In some cases, we may also recommend contrast bathing as an effective method to address oedema when necessary.

Scar Management

We offer educational guidance on scar management to enhance functional outcomes. This involves utilising a range of techniques and materials designed to support the healing process and reduce sensitivity.

Soft Tissue Release

As part of your injury, you may also require soft tissue release/massage to ease pain or assist in your movement and comfort.

Range of Movement Exercises

We offer tailored exercises suited to your specific injury or post-operative recovery needs, aimed at expediting your return to full functionality. These exercises encompass a combination of active, blocked, and passive movements, strategically prescribed throughout your rehabilitation process.

Strengthening Exercises

Customised strengthening routines play a pivotal role in enhancing the hands and fingers' strength and agility, ultimately resulting in optimal functional improvements. We design your strengthening regimen to align precisely with the nature of your injury and the specific objectives you aim to achieve.

Pain Management

Pain can exert a profound influence on your everyday life and mental well-being. Our approach to pain management involves employing comprehensive, evidence-based strategies to address various forms of pain, including chronic, acute, and sympathetic pain.

Acute pain arises during the body's process of healing structural tissue damage. Our goal is to optimise the structural and mechanical integrity of the injured tissues.

Chronic pain, on the other hand, is characterised by pain persisting for three to six months or more following the initial tissue injury.

Sympathetic pain manifests when the pain remains disproportionate to the original injury and is accompanied by autonomic tissue changes such as increased hair growth, sweating, discoloration, and dryness.

In our treatment approach, we focus on managing swelling, enhancing mobility, relieving nerve compression, and addressing mechanical issues in joints and muscles. Our methods often involve utilising heat therapy, contrast bathing, massage, stretching, and postural control.

Task Modification / Ergonomic Recommendations

Suggestions for adjusting tasks can assist you in preserving your energy and optimizing your functional capabilities. By conserving energy during your daily activities, you can reserve it for the leisure pursuits that bring you joy. This conservation of energy can also empower you to undertake essential tasks in the future that may demand more physical strength.